oh, victronica, how i miss you...
...let me count the ways:

(i was just beyond giddy over this place...wow...)

- THat might have been an overload of pics, but i couldn't help myself =) i think i'm a little attached to them, because i had a hard time choosing which to post - i'd LOVE to hear your faves! --- so isn't my favorite muse GORGEOUS?!?!? i'm so sad i had to move away - i may be biased, but i really think she's the next big thing, you know, like america's next top model - for sure! miss you so! ;)

(i was just beyond giddy over this place...wow...)

- THat might have been an overload of pics, but i couldn't help myself =) i think i'm a little attached to them, because i had a hard time choosing which to post - i'd LOVE to hear your faves! --- so isn't my favorite muse GORGEOUS?!?!? i'm so sad i had to move away - i may be biased, but i really think she's the next big thing, you know, like america's next top model - for sure! miss you so! ;)
wow! these are beautiful! i can't decide on my favorite...it's a tie between the first and sixth one. really gorgeous images.
She and your pictures are BEYOND gorgeous. And I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time picking a fav...I do love the one of her up the stairs, though.
Thanks for sharing!!!
These images are beautiful and your model is awesome... like everyone else, I'm having a hard time picking a fave. I think 1, 2, and 7 are in my top 3 though... Fantastic job!
I really love that first shot... and she is HOT! She is a fabulous muse.
SWEET location too!
ohmygosh, they are beautiful.
thank you so much for all that you do!
Beautiful shoot! And What a great location!! I LOVE them!
4 and 5 are my favs for sure! Just beautiful!
beautiful! a favorite? hmmm...i do love #1 and #3.
Amazing as always. My favorites are 1 and 5. 5 especially. Gorgeous.
wow absolutely amazing! The lighting the style, the mood wow!
1 & 7 are my favorites! These are unbelievable! Wow! Just love your work!
1,4 &5 are my favorites. You did really well with the lighting and a great place, it makes her look so clean and crisp next to all the dirt and broken down walls around her. Really awesome
which ones?! I can see why it's difficult. I'm fond of the cowboy boots and the sweet one right before it
OMG! Incredible! Maybe your best yet... PLEASE share more!
THe most unique bridal portraits I've ever seen. Well done.
To choose a favorite is truly difficult as they are all pure inspiration and so beutyful! I can understand why she is your favorite muse. Hope you find some way to get more pictures of her to express your amazing photography.
Love this series!! Thanks for sharing so many. Just love 'em. I think...If I had to choose...#4 & 8 would be my favs...it's sooo hard to choose though. :)
I LOVE #'s 1, 2, 5, & 9. but i really just love all of them. anna i misssssss you so much. these, the others they are so great. i found this great place we need to go if you ever come back. it is this awesome creek place with tons of stepping stone and a really neat deck. the lady even said we could use her little wooden canoe...it would be perfect. love you! TAKE CARE MISS WONDERFUL PHOTOGRAPHER!
I am DYING over these, I don't ever think I've seen a bridal shoot I've loved as much as this one... Breathtaking!
Anna, these are so beautiful that it's too hard to pick a fave. I really think the one of the gorgeous gal in the doorway does it for me, though.
Was it you that I met today at the photo shoot? If so, it was such a pleasure to meet you. You are extremely talented and I can't wait to see more. :)
definately the cow boy boots... but probably only because I did those for my husband in my bridals... but I also love the stairs...!!!!!! GORGEOUS!
Such a great fashion feel to these. I love them. by far my most favorite post .
Thanks so much! I've loved hearing your faves!
i'll def. be back, vic., and you know i'll let you know when i am!
yup, that was me, ali - it was so fun to meet all of you guys, too!
Anna, these are great! And of coarse she's beautiful with a cool name. Some girls get all the luck. Whereas, I look like I do and have a stripper name! Grr! Hey, i just saw a picture of you on someone's blog...I love your hair with bangs! So cute! Anyway, hopefully things are great!
You KNOW these are gorgeous!!! I LOVE them ALL! That's all there is to say!
Wow! Beautiful shoot!
Girl, you are amazing!!! I have to say that the first one is my favorite. If only I have 1/20 of the talent that you have...sigh...LOVE IT!
did I already say WOW? Well I meant to!
Awesome, Anna! I really love the picture at the top of your blog, too! Looks like you're liking Utah!
Wow, you are so talented!! Love checking your blog for new posts!
These are such creative wedding photographs! I love them!
Wow.. you've got mad skills:) These are beautiful!
Jessica H.
Anna you are great at this. I can't believe this is your work. They are amazing! Too bad you weren't into this when I got married!! Anyway, I really like the boots, but I can't choose a fav.
Gorgeous. Hard to pick a fav. Great model, light, location, and photographer!
These are so gorgeous anna! I couldn't imagine any less from your blog though. I would miss her too....
i like the setting
the dress
& the model, i think she'll make it big too :)
wow....i'm soooo jealous of the location :o) Give me a run down farmhouse over a manicured studio anyday! ;o)
Wow! Wow! Wow!
These are fab! I love that first one!
Ahhhh! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Your work is to die for. ;)
WOW....I have nothing more
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