Another super fun Senior Session with "A." - She has the most adorable personality - so sweet and enthusiastic. Her mom came along, and their relationship was so precious. Today I find myself wishing I could share full images - the color and depth of these pics is just breathtaking - just couldn't post any bnw's today =) My personal fave (remember to clk on the image to view):

um, can you say, "WOW" - stunning. On this next one, I still haven't settled on a crop, but the color on it makes me giddy. I used my new Indie Kick action - can't wait to have that ready- it's awesome.

I'm so glad she wanted to go to this location. I woke up to rain the morning of the shoot, but she was so enthusiastic and ready to go. The rain stopped, but the grass was soaked, but I knew if she was up for it, that the color would be phenomonal, and it is. Posting on the web always flattens my color, but these pics, in full-size, living color, are just AMAZING. wow.

I love the little green she's holding here:

Thank you so much A. and mom, that was too fun! There are so many beautiful ones - can't wait to show you!