Well, i wish i could tell you he did it himself, but.....

STAGE 1: "Before" - He's ALWAYS had long, curly hair - ALWAYS! and i LOVE[D] it, sniff, sniff. Now it's gone =( {he insists he's "Spiderman", so that's what we'll call him - and little brother says his name is "Batman" - and if you ever ask them what they're doing, they'll tell you very seriously, "Saving the wuwd [world]", lol}

STAGE 2: He's been needing a trim. i've always trimmed his hair myself, and it's always looked okay, but i didn't do such a great job this time, and everyone said his haircut looked like a girl - you be the judge.

STAGE 3: And this is the current state of his hair. Daddy decided to "fix" mommy's hack job before she woke up. And apparantly, "Spiderman"'s haircuts have reverse Samson-Effect, because look how incredibley strong it made him! (and yes, there will be a stage 4 - it still needs fixing.)